VK Ads takes over agency account functions.
Your client accounts on myTarget will remain fully functional.

For more information regarding connecting and setting up the VK Ads account, see the help, or if you still have questions, contact the support team at caresupport@vk.company.
Manager Rights Management

How to add a new manager
After you registered your agency account, you can add other people (your team members or your clients, for example) to manage your campaigns.

They should create a new myTarget account that complies with the following requirements:
  • New account with no previous activity or payments.
  • Advertiser account type,Physical entity status.
  • Country and currency same as in your agency account.

The account manager must be new, without advertising campaigns and payments, the country and currency of the cabinet must match the agent.

Click on the tab "Access Rights" → "Add Manager". Enter the name and mail manager.
Access rights
In myTarget you can choose user type: Manager or Observer.

Manager has three levels of account access.
  • The "Read Only" right will allow the user to see your campaigns and statistics in his account, but will not allow them to be edited.
  • The "Create and edit campaigns" right will allow the user to view and modify your campaigns: create and edit campaigns, stop, start, change the bid (if the owner of the main account has given you the "Create and edit campaigns" right).
  • The "Access to Account" right is full access to the balance. The user who has this right can see the client's balance.

Observer has access to user statistics only and can't see money metrics.
Be careful when choosing the type of user: you can only change the type from "Manager" to "Observer". It is not possible to change the type from "Observer" to "Manager".
How to attach a client to the manager
One manager may have several clients, and one client may have several managers. Access rights are configured for each client separately. For example, for Client 1, the manager can only view the campaigns, for Client 2 — create and edit campaigns, but without access to he balance sheet, and for Client 3 — has full access.

To add a new client, open "Clients" → "Permissions", find the manager in the list and click "Add clients". Select one or more clients and access rights, then save. If you select multiple clients, the access rights for them will be the same. To attach clients with other rights, add them separately.

To change permissions, find the manager and client in the list and click "Edit".
How to find out which manager a customer is attached to
To find out which manager the client is attached to, on the "Permissions" tab, enable sorting by clients and find it in the list or use the filter on the list of clients.
How to detach a client from the manager
To detach a client from a manager, on the tab "Access Rights" find the manager and client, click "Edit" → "Close access".

To detach all clients, on the "Access Rights" tab, find a manager and click "Pick up clients".
How to remove a manager
To detach the client from the manager, on the "Access Rights" tab, find the manager and click "Delete Manager".
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