Direct deals

Before launching an advertising campaign, send a request for a direct deal agree on the terms of a direct transaction with a partner.

The list of available inventory and contacts of partners for approving the transaction can be found in the section "Tools" → "Direct Deals Marketplace".

Send request for a direct deal

To send a direct deal request:
1. Open the Direct Deals Marketplace and select the publisher you are interested in. Click on its name in the list to see more statistics and information about the company.
Select publisher for a direct deal
2. Click on the "Direct Deal Request" tab. In the request field, describe which site you are interested in, advertising format, expected client CPM, deal budget, dates of the advertising campaign, name of your client or brand. Read more about the Mandatory conditions for approval below.
3. Enter your contact e-mail.
4. Click Send Request For a Deal.
Completed request form

Mandatory conditions for approval

1. Dates of the advertising campaign, the name of the transaction, the site

2. Type of inventory management:
  • Guaranteed deal - myTarget targeting is not available in the ad campaign settings, the site provides targeting on its side.
  • Non-guaranteed deal - myTarget targeting is available in the ad campaign settings, only impressions matching the targeting conditions are bought.
    3. Financial scheme and bid
    The financial terms of the transaction and the purchase price are discussed individually with each partner.

    The CPM bid cannot be lower than the price in the myTarget auction
    • Video from 230 rubles
    • SmartTV from 100 rubles
    • Banner 300x600 from 120 rubles
    • Banner 240x400 from 100 rubles
    • Banner 300x250 from 100 rubles
    • Banner 100%x250 from 100 rub
    • Multi-format placement from 70 rubles
      4. Format
      Several formats are available in a direct deal: video, banner, TGB or multi-format placement, SmartTV.

      5. Participants in the transaction
      Provide your partner with client logins in myTarget like ***@agency_client.

      Creating a direct deal in the partner interface

      After the deal is approved, the partner must create it in the partner interface and tell you the number of the created deal. The deal parameters are not editable.

      Creating a direct deal ad campaign

      In the ad campaign creation interface, select the Direct Deals goal and an ad product from the list provided, taking into account the agreed financial scheme for the deal. If the advertising product you want is not listed, please contact your manager at myTarget or support.
      Creating a direct deal ad campaign
      In the "Additional settings" block, you will see a list of deals, their identifier and name. You can select only one deal from the list for each campaign.
      Deal selection
      Please note that only budget setting is available in a guaranteed type deal, all targeting settings are made by the partner.
      After saving the ad campaign and moderation, impressions will start. If impressions have not started, contact the partner and ask to include traffic for the deal.
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