Product Overview
We help publishers to grow business with ads that provide great user experience.
Dear Partners!

In 2024, we will focus on the development of an updated publisher account in VK Ad Network. For myTarget partners we have simplified and automated the transition to the new interface. You can do it right now:

  1. Go to and click 'Sign in'.
  2. In the window that opens, select 'Import myTarget partner account' and allow access to it.
  3. All settings, details, sites, ad units and statistics will be automatically transferred to the new account. The budget of two accounts will be joint.
In the new account you will find: fast and convenient management, expanded statistics, new settings and formats.
Increase your revenue with myTarget
Premium direct demand
Since we are one of the biggest publishers, we work directly with hundreds of brands and advertisers
Relevant Ads
We use audience data from our social networks for better targeting. The result? Higher eCPM and only relevant ads
Native ads and Rewarded Video
And all other topical ad formats
Simple Integration
For Apps - SDK, API, VAST
Transparent Statistics
Stats available in the dashboard, through reporting API or 3rd party reporting services
Fast Payment
NET30 basis
Supported Platforms