VK Ads takes over agency account functions.
Your client accounts on myTarget will remain fully functional.

For more information regarding connecting and setting up the VK Ads account, see the help, or if you still have questions, contact the support team at caresupport@vk.company.
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Creating campaigns with direct deals

The direct transaction format can be opened on request.

For direct transactions to appear in the Cabinet, the partner must connect your client to the transaction.

To do this, at the stage of negotiating the terms of the transaction, send the partner client logins of the form ***@agency_client
To set up a direct deal campaign, select Direct deals and paste the link:
Create a direct deal
Select the desired format:
Format selection
Next, configure the campaign depending on the scheme of traffic buyup.

  • Guaranteed buyup
All targeting settings are made by the partner, in the settings of the advertising campaign only the general, daily budget and terms of the advertising campaign are available.

  • Non-guaranteed buyup
All the standard myTarget settings for targeting are available (geography, gender, age, interests). Only impressions matching the selected targeting conditions will be purchased.
Coverage estimate will not work under any buyup scheme (guaranteed/non-guaranteed).
Moderation of creatives takes place according to the rules of moderation myTarget.
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